The Fixer – the EPIC rock sound & video!

Kenny Schick The Fixer Alternative Rock

The Fixer – the EPIC rock sound & Video!

The Fixer is a bit different than songs I’ve been making over the last 15 years or so.

The Fixer is a dynamic and well performed piece of songwriting. The arrangement is compelling building up and down. The instrumentals are fantastic. Solid performances and excellent musicianship. I dig the energy and appreciate the musicianship! Music On The Moon 

Though some of my songs always tend toward the longer side, not too many stretch to the 7 1/2 minute mark.

I’m a fan of big crunchy guitar sounds, but it’s not a texture I use too often as the main ‘sound’ of a song. I’ve been in bands in the past that have certainly centered around this type of sound.


Fun track. I like the quality of the production, the drums sound punchy and it feels textured and intricate with the variety of percussive elements and well placed guitar melodies.  The flow of the chorus is pretty amazing though, instrumentals are well synced and vocals sound more convincing there.  Had a great time listening… Bregt C Alpas Records

An Instrumental Germ

This song sprang out of an instrumental germ really. Originally, the whole song was just the minute plus intro as an instrumental piece written for a tv placement. However, I wanted to hear more of the story it was trying to tell. It has a Tool vibe – that crunchy dark sound flavored with world music elements. So I started to build on the piece like the Winchester Mystery house. It had no lyrics at first, but I built it more into a song form and figured it would start to inspire some lyric writing.

I like the tension and dynamics of the guitars a lot, they create movement and keep your record interesting. Drums have a nice groove and cut really well trough your mix. I like the lyrics of the vocal a lot… TC21

Ray Donovan

The idea for the lyrics started to come while we were watching the TV series Ray Donovan: it just struck me how weird it is that there are people who get paid by wealthy famous people to ‘handle’ their sometimes enormous indiscretions & crimes. It’s curious to me that people could find the mindset and skillset to lead them to this ‘profession’. Spending my life in solitude mostly, working alone in my studio. I no longer get into any of the intense, dramatic overly-emotional situations of my younger days (lol). I find it useful to take on characters and become a musical ‘actor’ for song inspiration now.

A very interesting production here, with a nice melodic structure. The sound is beautifully constructed… Alfitude